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Tuesday 28 July 2020

We Need to stop this CRAP

posting images of girls in porn website

Shame on you 

Some person has posted some girls images with dirty captions on porn websites, like seriously guys?? Is any shame and humanity left in you people

Yeah, we Indians are already have ranked already to number 3 in watching porn.Where the numbers of viewers in porn are just getting increased daily you are posting her pics there. How would you feel if this was happened to your friend, or to your sister or any one of your family 

You feel like watching porn watch it, Who gives you the authority to take the girl's pic and post it in the porn websites

You might have hatred with that girl or maybe any other reason,
please try and understand what will be people's perspective towards that girl,  If she gets to know about this, Do you guys even understand how much she needs to go through and her family needs to go through the humiliation.

seriously believe whoever has done this needs to be punished.


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